The Güell Foundation awards 2 annual grants and 1 architecture prize to young people born or resident in Catalonia, Valencia or the Balearic Islands.

Music Grant
Visual Arts Grant

Each grant actively supports the progress of the grant holders with an endowment in three quarterly payments, as well as giving them the opportunity to exhibit their projects at the Palacio Güell in Barcelona.

Grants are intended as a stimulus to boost the career of grant recipients, and can take various forms: helping to pay for a stay abroad or training, producing a work or simply acquiring the material necessary for the proper development of the subsequent work. Since 1979, the foundation has awarded more than 100 grants.

Architecture Prize

The Güell Foundation and the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation, with the support of the Sant Jordi Royal Catalan Academy of Fine Arts, present the annual “GÜELL FOUNDATION / NANDO AND ELSA PERETTI FOUNDATION PRIZE FOR ARCHITECTURE”.

The purpose of this award is to highlight the good architecture that has been, and is being produced in Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands, and to support young architects from Catalan-speaking regions who are entering the professional world. The prize wishes to emphasise the importance of dialogue between architects and clients, both in public and private projects, and will therefore consider with special interest those proposals that make the most of the ecological and social values of the geographical and historical places in which they are located, that demonstrate their capacity to use new technologies and new scientific and artistic advances, that open up dialogues between the social and cultural history of the past and the present, or whose work, because it is located within the sphere of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands, is of special interest.

Grant holders A – Z

Alba Barceló Plana
Alba Maria Tierz Puyuelo
Albert García-Alzórriz
Albert Gumí Prat
Albert Mercadé i Ciutat
Albert Vall Martínez
Alex Olmedo Duynslaeger
Aldo Urbano Pérez
Alexandre Nogué Font
Alícia Alegre
Anna Godoy López
Anna Pérez Milán
Anna Plaza Magín
Anna Riera Asensio
Anna Solanilla Roselló
Anna Trepat Céspedes
Anna Vallugera Fuster
Bernat Català Rams
Bernat Puigdollers i Vidal
Berta Blanca t. Ivanow
Borja Mascaró Vidal
Carina Huguet Valls
Carles Bartolomé Ibars
Clara Payàs Puigarnau
David Viñuales Cera
Dolors Farró Fonalleras
Estel·la Ortiz Rodó
Ester Ballart Hernàndez
Ester Prat i Armadans
Esther Pi Gómez
Eulàlia Borrut Cases
Aitana Sanz Pérez
Alba Aragonés Riba
Eulàlia Rovira i Adrian Schindler
Eva Sastre Forest
Fernando Sans Rivière
Francesc Puig Forcada
Gabriela Gallego Hernández
Gemma Nomen Àlvarez
Gemma-Fúlvia Matas
Glòria Llompart Mallorques
Guillem Tarragó Valverde
Guillermo Pérez i Lovillo
Helena Vinent
Hugo Bustamante Isla
Ignacio Zornoza de Solinís
Isabel Maynés Miracle
Jaume Carbonell Guberna
Jaume de Córdoba
Jesús Francisco Corteguera
Joaquim Garrigosa Massana
Jordi Camell Ilari
Jordi Cornudella Heras
Jordi Isern
Jordi Rifé Santaló
Jorge Egea i Izquierdo
Josep Casadellà Cunillera
Josep Ignasi Alegre Barenys
Josep M. Comajuncosas Nebot
Josep M. Gregori Cifré
Josep M. Vaqué Vidal
Josep M. Vilar Torrens
Josep-Ramon Olivé i Soler
José Carlos Izquierdo Pérez
José M. Lojo Mestres
Judit Bofarull Figuerola
Judit Bou Comas
Judith Corominas Ayala
Laia Closas Fernández i Maria Viladomiu Ceballos
Laura Badell Giralt
Laura Casal Valls
Letícia Feduchi
Lluc Baños Aixalà
Lucía Gutiérrez Gual
M. Antònia Juan Nebot
M. Mar Saiz Ardanaz
M. Àngels Fondevila Guinart
Mar Gutiérrez Gargallo (Mar Reykjavik)
Marc Serra Nicolás
Marcel Rubio Juliana
Maria del Mar Martínez Jaume
Marià Espinosa González
Maria Florea Sitjà
Maria Rosa Villanueva Puig
Maria Torres Melgares
Marina Piñeiro Mesas
Mariona Camats i Torrents
Mariona Mateu Carles
Marta Guitart Codina
Marta Lafuente i Cuenca
Marta Oriola Folch
Mercè Bessó Carreras
Miguel Alejos Parra
Miquel Grima Mora
Miquel Pang Ly
Miquel-Àngel Codes Luna
Mireia Vendrell del Álamo
Monti Galdon Arrué
Mònica Castanys Font
Mònica Ginés Blasi
Neus Martín Royo
Nina Sunyer Vidal
Núria Cullell Ramis
Núria Rivero Matas
Pol Lluís Mateu
Raquel Maneu i Castells
Rebeca Muñoz Carrilero
Roger Morelló Ros
Romà Panadès Anton
Rosa M. Bessó Carreras
Rosa M. Martínez Delgado
Rosa M. Subirana Rebull
Rosario del Carmen Díaz Veira
Rossend Casanova i Mandri
Sara López Márquez
Sofia Isús Ventura
Sílvia Muñoz de Imbert
Sílvia Noguer Torrell
Sílvia Vilaseca Vilaseca
Teresa Riba Tomàs
Tina Rusiñol Sos
Vera Renau Alejandro
Víctor Roig Jardí
Xavier Carrillo de Albornoz Queralt
Xavier Fajarnes Casanovas
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